CCS_AdvSearchAnyOfWords=Any Of Words CCS_AdvSearchAllWords=All Words CCS_AdvSearchConditionsCaption=Search For CCS_AdvSearchExactPhrase=Exact Phrase CCS_FileUpload=File upload CCS_IncorrectFormat=The value in field {0} is not valid. Use the following format: {1}. CCS_IncorrectValue=The value in field {0} is not valid. CCS_RequiredField=The value in field {0} is required. CCS_UniqueValue=The value in field {0} is already in database. CCS_MaskValidation=Mask validation failed for field {0}. CCS_IncorrectEmailFormat=Invalid email format in field {0}. CCS_MaximumLength=The number of symbols in field {0} can't be greater than {1}. CCS_MaximumValue=The value in field {0} can't be greater than {1}. CCS_MinimumLength=The number of symbols in field {0} can't be less than {1}. CCS_MinimumValue=The value in field {0} can't be less than {1}. CCS_IncorrectPhoneFormat=Invalid phone number format in field {0}. CCS_IncorrectZipFormat=Invalid zip code format in field {0}. CCS_LoginError=Login or Password is incorrect. CCS_RequiredSMTPserver_or_Dir=Please specify the SMTP server or Pickup directory for the CDO.Message email component. CCS_CustomOperationError_MissingParameters=One or more parameters missing to perform the Update/Delete. The application is misconfigured. CCS_CannotSeek=Cannot find specified record. CCS_RequiredFieldUpload=The file attachment in field {0} is required. CCS_LargeFile=The file size in field {0} is too large. CCS_WrongType=The file type specified in field {0} is not allowed. CCS_UploadingError=An error occured when uploading file specified in {0}. Error description: {1}. CCS_UploadingTempFolderError=An error occured when uploading file specified in {0} into temporary folder. Error description: {1}. CCS_FileNotFound=The file {0} specified in {1} was not found. CCS_InsufficientPermissions=Insufficient filesystem permissions to upload the file specified in {0}. CCS_FilesFolderNotFound=Unable to upload the file specified in {0} - upload folder doesn't exist. CCS_TempInsufficientPermissions=Insufficient filesystem permissions to upload the file specified in {0} into temporary folder. CCS_TempFolderNotFound=Unable to upload the file specified in {0} - temporary upload folder doesn't exist. CCS_Captcha_ControlValidation=The value does not match validation code. CCS_InsertLink=Add New CCS_Insert=Add CCS_Update=Submit CCS_Delete=Delete CCS_Cancel=Cancel CCS_Search=Search CCS_NoRecords=No records CCS_First=First CCS_Previous=Prev CCS_Next=Next CCS_Last=Last CCS_LoginBtn=Login CCS_LogoutBtn=Logout CCS_Login=Login CCS_Login_Form_Caption=Login CCS_Password=Password CCS_SortBy=Sort by CCS_SortDir=Sort direction CCS_RecPerPage=Records per page CCS_CustomLinkField=Detail CCS_SelectField=Select Field CCS_SelectOrder=Select Order CCS_SelectValue=Select Value CCS_Filter=Keyword CCS_SearchFormPrefix=Search CCS_GridFormPrefix=List of CCS_RecordFormPrefix=Add/Edit CCS_RecordFormPrefix2=View CCS_ReportFormPrefix= CCS_SearchFormSuffix= CCS_GridFormSuffix= CCS_RecordFormSuffix= CCS_ReportFormSuffix= CCS_Of=of CCS_ASC=Ascending CCS_DESC=Descending CCS_RememberLogin=Remember my Login and Password CCS_DeleteConfirmation=Delete record? CCS_SubmitConfirmation=Submit records? CCS_Clear=Clear CCS_NoCategories=No categories found CCS_Main=Main CCS_More=More... CCS_Today=Today CCS_TotalRecords=Total Records: CCS_DatePickerNav61=Date Picker component is not compatible with Netscape 6.1 CCS_Bytes=bytes CCS_UploadComponentNotFound={0} uploading component {1} is not found. Please install the component or select another one. CCS_UploadComponentError=Error occurred while initializing the upload component. CCS_GridPageSizeError=(CCS06) Invalid page size. CCS_GridPageNumberError=Invalid page number. CCS_DatabaseCommandError=Database command error. CCS_OperationError=Unable to perform the {0} operation. One or more parameters are unspecified. CCS_ReportPageNumber1=Page CCS_ReportPageNumber2=of CCS_ReportTotal=Grand Total CCS_ReportSubTotal=Sub Total CCS_ReportPrintLink=Printable version CCS_DirectoryFormPrefix=Directory CCS_DirectoryFormSuffix= CCS_LanguageID=en CCS_LocaleID=en CCS_PrevYearHint=Prev Year CCS_PrevQuarterHint=Prev Quarter CCS_PrevThreeMonthsHint=Prev Three Months CCS_PrevMonthHint=Prev Month CCS_NextYearHint=Next Year CCS_NextQuarterHint=Next Quarter CCS_NextThreeMonthsHint=Next Three Months CCS_NextMonthHint=Next Month CCS_Login_AutoLogin_Caption=Remember me CCS_GalleryFormPrefix= CCS_GalleryFormSuffix=Gallery